Grammar, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Communication

robot typing

Grammar has always played a vital role in communication, acting as the framework that structures our thoughts and ideas. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), we are now witnessing a revolution in content writing that has the potential to reshape society. From AI-generated blog posts to social media updates, the power of AI[…]

Spell Checker Limitations That Can Affect Your Writing

  Readers notice spelling errors. There is no way around that fact. Don’t fall victim to the notion that “spelling doesn’t count.” That may fly in some educational circles, but it is not the conventional wisdom in most academic and business situations. Some writers recommend composing text with automatic spell check turned off. They advise[…]

The Verb to Be in Spanish: Stop Confusing Ser, Estar, and Haber

verb to be spanish

Distinguishing between ser, estar, and haber is notoriously difficult for learners of Spanish, as most languages have only one word for the verb to be. This article will explain the main differences between the three verbs. 1. Ser or estar? “Ser” is used to describe characteristics that are deemed essential or permanent, whereas “estar” to[…]

The Most Common Errors in Business Writing and How to Fix Them

professional business tools

Although basic rules exist for clean writing, not every situation calls for perfect grammar. Language used for advertising and entertainment, for example, leaves tons of room for creative license. When trying to get a reader’s attention, sentence fragments are great for adding emphasis and purposeful rule-breaking can make language interesting and edgy. When it comes to business[…]

Check for Grammar Mistakes by Self-Editing


Whether you’re a student, a grant writer, a technical writer or producing web copy, editing is an essential skill you must have to be taken seriously. Grammatical errors, poorly worded sentences and inappropriate paragraph breaks will undo the integrity of a document, no matter how well written it is otherwise. A lot rides on grammar,[…]

Understanding the Semicolon


Do you find the semicolon perplexing, or even scary? If so, this article will demystify this often misunderstood punctuation mark. Used correctly, semicolons can transform your writing from so-so to sophisticated. Examples of correct and incorrect usage are included. If you thought semicolons were just for winking, this article’s for you! […]

English Grammar Guidelines: Understanding the Differences Between “It’s” and “Its” in Written English

its vs its

In spoken English, there is no difference at all between the pronunciation of “it’s” vs “its”. In written English, however, you are always faced with a decision between these two forms. Although the grammatical differences between the two forms are quite straightforward, learners of English and native speakers alike can sometimes make mistakes when using them.[…]

3 Simple Steps to Successful Proofreading


Great proofreading is important for polished and professional writing. It can help you fix typos, spelling errors, word usage, and punctuation problems. Unfortunately, many people have a hard time finding and fixing all the errors in their work. Remember that proofreading is not the only form of editing that your text should undergo. Before doing some[…]

How to Expertly Summarize a Document


Learning how to summarize a document or book can be a great skill to have. Whether you’re a writer, in business, studying or just want to be able to present written concepts quickly, summarizing can help you analyze, understand and share a document’s key points. The steps to summarizing a document are as follows: 1.[…]